The End of a Glorious Year December 05 2016, 0 Comments
Someone once remarked that a race is never worth running unless there are those along the track that clap and cheer. Approaching the end of the school year sometimes makes one feel as if they were both cheering and running at the same time. It feels like a significant achievement to see the arrival of December. Whether it is athletics, rugby, academic or cultural activities, everything suddenly goes quiet as we cross the finish line. For each teacher, it is the prospect of a well-earned break. For the learners, it is a time of anticipation of success as they wrap up their academic year with final exams, celebrate and look forward to their certificates and reports. It is true that for some, learning did not come easily and thinking was not always crystal clear. These folk may not all share in the honour of rewards this year but if they clapped along the way for those who won the hard race, they have the opportunity to start over and aim for next year’s rewards! They also deserve a special medal.