TENNIS AND TROPHIES January 19 2017, 0 Comments
It is Australian Open time again, the first on the annual calendar of four grand slam tournaments. Each year, about this time, tennis fans gather to watch the drama of hard-won tennis matches. Who will lift the final trophy is always top of mind but that is only a small part of this major competition. It is also who will get the medals along the way to victory and who might upset the cart by stealing a match from a favourite, right under their noses.
Lifting the winning trophy, a weighty, silver, perpetual cup is a dream most of us won’t realise in a lifetime but we can be part of the glory of victory it all when these awards are presented.
The Men’s Singles trophy, called the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup after a former Australian tennis champion, has a history. It bears hallmarks of London, dated 1906, making it 111 years old this year. Standing proudly at 43cm high, including the plinth, it bulges to an overall width of 39cm, including the impressive handles. The design was based on a large marble vase, dated second century AD, found in 1770 in what was the gardens of Emperor Hadrian’s villa. The original vase would have been of the best that Rome had to offer to satisfy the emperor and, therefore, represents the excellence that is dished up on the court today!
The trophy is what we see and applaud. What else awaits the winner? This year, the singles winners (both mens’ and women’s) can look forward to a cool $3.7 million, which translates into a neat 50 Million Rand. If you feel that a win is out of reach, you could bow out with 5 Million at the Quarter finals, which would at least buy you a new pair of shoes and a ticket home with a suite case full of change.
If you play tennis, coach tennis or are in charge of selecting the trophies for you club or school, have a look here: for a wide variety of options, and make your event a grand slam to remember.