Old Nickel December 09 2016, 0 Comments
Well, Christmas time is upon us again and we will most likely drink from the cup of Christmas wine, eat from the table of Christmas fare and look forward to what Old Nick may bring. The imaginary Old Nick may derive his name from German mining mythology, which includes a mischievous elf-like character called Nick, living in and around copper & nickel mines. Nick personified the resistance of nickel being refined into copper, as nickel is a very 'stubborn' and durable element.
Old Nick may be mythical but nickel is very real and present around us today. Nickel is a silvery-white element, found in the crust of the earth as well as in iron. Interestingly, it forms a component of meteors, too. Where meteors are believed to have struck the earth, there is an abundance of nickel, such as the Sudbury site in Canada.
Nickel is an ideal material with which to plate trophies as it produces a clean, silvery, reflective surface that is resistant to scratching. Depending on what material has been used to make the trophy, a nickel-plated trophy will usually be less expensive than other silver-plated trophies. In addition to being used for trophies and other award symbols, such as medals, it is widely used in the medical and electronics industry (the ‘Ni’ in Ni-Cad batteries is the nickel part!) as well as in most kitchens around the world as a component of stainless steel.
So, the next time you see a shiny, nickel-plated trophy being raised, think about that natural substance, known to man for more than 5000 years, found both on earth and out of this world. An award with a 5000 year heritage is worth having!
Have a look here for our range of Nickel Trophies - we have the largest range in South Africa - find the perfect award for your event.